Why Indians are Moving to Poland?

When you speak of a place like Poland, it is becoming an attractive and loving destination for many Indians who seek new opportunities. In recent years, there has been a visible increase in the number of Indians moving to Poland. The reasons for this type of shift range from job opportunities to even a better quality of life.  You can easily get a Poland visa for Indians once you know your purpose and you have the guidance of the right consultants for your procedure and application. For now, read on to know why people are crazy about this place.

Greater Job Opportunities

Poland is an important part of the European Union (EU), and its economy has been growing steadily. This growth has definitely created many job opportunities, mainly in sectors like:

–          IT

–          manufacturing

–          engineering

–          healthcare, etc.

Many Indian professionals, mainly in the IT sector, find jobs in Poland because of the high demand for skilled workers.  Moreover, you must know that Poland’s companies, most of the time look for international talent to fill their workforce gaps, and even Indians, with their robust educational backgrounds and skills, fit well into such kinds of roles. The ease of hunting the well-paid jobs is a huge reason why Indians are deciding to move to Poland.

Education & Higher Studies

Poland is definitely the residence of many universities and educational institutions that offer high-quality education at reasonable rates in comparison to other European countries. Many Indian students are there that are attracted to Poland for higher education because of the lower tuition fees and even living costs.

The degrees gathered in Poland are recognized across Europe and even the world, and all this makes it a brilliant place for students who want to pursue a global career. Plus, not to miss that many universities in Poland offer courses in English and that makes it easier for Indian students to study there without facing language barriers.

Reduced Cost of Living 

One of the prime reasons Indians are moving to Poland is the low cost of living if you compare it to other European countries. Rent, groceries, transportation, and even overall healthcare are much cheaper in Poland than in the regions of the Western Europe. This affordability permits Indians to save money at the same time relishing a comfortable lifestyle.

 For instance, if you are living in cities like Warsaw or even Kraków, it is still much cheaper than living in cities such as London or even Paris. Indians who are moving to Poland can easily experience a good standard of living in the absence of the high costs associated with other developed countries.

Proper Work-Life Balance

Poland gets a balanced work-life environment and that is highly appealing to many Indians. Unlike some countries in which long working hours are the norm, Poland’s working culture concentrates on maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life.  Such a work-life balance means that people can definitely spend more time with their families, pursue hobbies, and relish leisure activities without feeling overly stressed by work. For Indians who may be looking to move abroad for a better quality of life, Poland is definitely an ideal choice.

Tunnel to Permanent Residency and EU Access

Poland gets you a straightforward path to permanent residency for non-EU citizens, encompassing Indians. Once you have lived and worked in Poland for a certain period, you can apply for permanent residency and that gives you more rights and stability in the country.

Moreover, once you have permanent residency in Poland, you can travel and work in other EU countries more easily. Such sort of access to the wider European market is a huge advantage for many Indians, who witness Poland as an entry to the rest of Europe.


To sum up, Poland has turned out to be a destination where Indians can find both professional success and even a high quality of life. All this make it a top choice for migration. Even if not this area of the world, you can check others too. You can explore student spouse visa New Zealand or other types of visas of the country you want to be in. After all, eventually, you can be wherever you want to be.


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